Minor Rookie Rep Hawks take Silver in St. Thomas!
Congratulations to the Minor Rookie Rep Hawks for their successful tournament in St. Thomas bringing home silver medals!!
Minor Rookie Hawks represented Newmarket well in St Thomas this past weekend. The Hawks won all three of their round Robin games to get to the semi-finals. The boys never gave up despite being down 11-0 in the Semis, and went on to beat Mississauga 22-21, scoring 6 runs in the last inning to take the victory.
The boys put up a great effort in the championship but fell short, bringing home silver medals.
The coaches are extremely proud of the effort and hard work these boys have put in to get to this point. Great kids and a great team! Much more to come!
The boys put up a great effort in the championship but fell short, bringing home silver medals.
The coaches are extremely proud of the effort and hard work these boys have put in to get to this point. Great kids and a great team! Much more to come!