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Home > 2025 Umpire Clinic Payment Form

Registration for new and returning umpires is now open!

All new and returning umpires are required to complete an online module as well as attend an in person umpire clinic.    For more information on clinics and to register for the onine module please visit the Baseball Ontario Website at the following link:

You must first register for the Baseball Ontario OnDeck site. Follow the instructions at the link above to register as an umpire.  Once registered, click the following link to register for one of the Newmarket Clinics.  Umpires can attend other clinics listed in other cities if the dates and times are not convenient.

Level 1/2
Date:April 8th or April 9th.
Time:6:00 pm to 10pm
Location: Newmarket Community Centre, Hall 1,  200 Doug Duncan Drive, Newmarket, ON

Use this form ONLY to register and pay for the Level 1/Level 2  in person umpire clinic in Newmarket.  If you are not attending the Newmarket Camp you do not need to complete this form, you will need to register on the local association website of the clinic you are taking.  If you attend a camp at a neighbouring location, please email Carolyn at after you complete the camp to register to umpire in Nemarket.

If you have any questions please email Carolyn Achtermeier at

* Indicates Required Field

Player Information

Are you a returning Player?

First Name *

Last Name *

Birthdate *

Access Code

(Only returning players need to enter the Access Code.)

Email Address *

Are you a new or returning umpire to Newmarket Baseball?

Become an Umpire with Newmarket Baseball! Ages 12 and up!


New for 2025 - Player Evaluation Days for 7U, 9U, 11U and 13U!


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